I just came up with this idea the day before I posted this. So, I’m still fleshing out all of the details of what I want to be talking about. I’m sure it will change over time, and that is to be expected with any new idea. New ideas always evolve and as I learn more, I will be changing what I think. That is part of rational thought, as more information is provided, thoughts change.

An example of that is when learning how to fly an airplane. Landing an airplane is not exactly what one would think, and once you learn it, your thoughts change on the process. For example, during normal flight, you use the throttle to set speed on a simple aircraft, and you pitch to climb or decend. But, when landing, you adjust your speed with pitch, and how fast you are decending with throttle. So, if you are coming in short, and going too slow, you give it some throttle and pitch the nose down. Which seems weird to pitch down when you aren’t going to make the runway.

Other things that change over time is how people feel about race, religion, sex, politics, and other things that aren’t supposed to be discussed. I think it’s important to discuss these ideas, and they cannot be out of bounds to talk about. That only leads to not seeing all sides of a subject, and that leads to possibly missing the best option out there. As I’m sure most people are aware, there are usually more than two sides to any story.